The Pershing Winds are a semi-professional wind ensemble comprised of students from all facets of the Glenn Korff School of Music that aspire to create expressive and meaningful performances of quality literature written for the wind band. The ensemble performed its first concert in 2017 under the baton of its founder and current music director, Christopher Brandt, with associate conductors Sarah Aymond, and Rubén Gómez. The ensemble takes its name from General John J. Pershing, the only American general promoted to six-star general within his lifetime. Pershing was appointed Professor of Military Sciences and Tactics at the University of Nebraska in 1891 and during his tenure he created the nationally renowned drill team, now known as the Pershing Rifles.
Lincoln High School Residency - Spring 2018

In the spring the Pershing Winds had the opportunity to work with Chris Watson and the bands over at Lincoln High School. Section leaders from the Pershing Winds ran masterclasses and sectionals during school and after school. The director also worked with the bands at LHS several days before the two ensembles performed a side-by-side concert.